SSkkiilllleedd TTrraannssllaattiioonn SSeerrvviicceess ((EEnngglliisshh  FFrreenncchh))

Skilled Translation Services (English – French)

We provide professional translation services for a wide variety of clients and subject areas. A list of our major translation projects and clients is available on request. Languages: French, English, Spanish…


Using a range of specialised tools (specialised dictionaries, databases, software), our skilled translators ensure that your texts are rendered in the target language with the most appropriate terminology. Our translators are qualified (Masters degree level) with several years of experience. As members of professional associations we strictly respect of professional ethics including confidentiality. All translation projects follow a systematic process involving initial translation + revision, while ensuring rapidity and respecting agreed deadlines.


 Our flexible pricing system allows for word count or page count pricing. We typically charge 10,000 – 17,500 cfa (20 – 35 US$) per page, depending on the nature and urgency of the job. As per professional standards in Cameroon, 1 page = up to 250 words. Pricing conditions may vary; please contact us.


We normally provide a quote and estimated delivery date within 24 hours of receiving the text/document (or a sample thereof) for translation from the client. A formal confirmation/order is then required from the client before we start the translation. We expect payment to be made soon after delivery (within 1 month). We prefer documents/texts to be sent to us electronically and we normally return the translations in the same format.